
Basic Seminar - Usability and User Experience
(CPUX-F) -
Remote / In-House

Become well-versed in the basics of User Experience and Usability!

Nächstes Seminar

05.02.2025 -
3 Tage
26 LE
1290 €


What you will learn in this training

Practical, up-to-date knowledge in the areas of Usability and User experience is becoming increasingly important in companies that successfully implement agile development processes and collaborating in multidisciplinary teams. Our „Basic Seminar – Usability and User Experience (CPUX-F)“ provides the basics for the development of user-oriented services and products. You will learn the principles and technical terms of human-centered design (HCD). In addition, we prepare you optimally for the optional, independent examination to become a „Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience –
Foundation Level (CPUX-F)“. The basic seminar takes place as an online course via Zoom.

Added Values

Added values


Facts about the training

Exemplary Process using Human Centered Design, based on the guiedlines of the UXQB - International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board e.V.

Target Audience

Who should take part?

The CPUX-F seminar is suitable for anyone who develops, implements, and supports interactive systems in their own company or for customers. There are no admission requirements. It is aimed at students, young professionals, usability professionals and people interested in the topic. Especially web designers, product designers, usability engineers, user interface designers, developers, software specialists, researchers, quality managers and product & project managers are addressed.


Detailed Process using Human Centered Design, based on the guiedlines of the UXQB - International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board e.V.

Our training concept


Content of the CPUX-F semainar, based on the Human Centered Design guiedlines of the UXQB - International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board e.V.
Process of Human Centered Design in only four words: Evaluate, understand, define, design

Our exclusive practical exercises

We implement typical work steps using specific interactive systems:

Our trainer​

Tobias Engel


Practice-oriented preparation
for certification

€1290 net

(+ exam)

Plenty of practice


The CPUX-F certificate

The International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board (UXQB) is an association of international experts in the field of usability and user experience. CPUX is part of the internationally standardized education and training program. To receive the certificate, a 75-minute multiple-choice exam with 40 questions must be successfully passed (70% of the points). The certificate entitles the holder to certify the advanced levels User Requirements Engineering (CPUX-UR), Design Solutions (CPUX-DS) and Usability Testing and Evaluation (CPUX-UT).

Certification fees
The certification is optional. Registration can be made via the Usability Academy or directly with the Certible examination organization. The choice of date is completely flexible. After participation in the seminar, a learning period of about 3 days has proven itself.

300 € net


Note: If the exam is booked via Mindfacts, the participant will receive a voucher in advance with which they can make an appointment on the Certible website.


Current Training-Dates

We work with up-to-date data and knowledge from theory and practice. Further, we have extensive experience collected over the past 20 years, including qualitative and quantitative research. Below you will find the offered Trainings in CPUX-F.

  • CPUX-F Seminar mit mehreren Teilnehmern in einem Konferenzraum
  • CPUX-F Seminar mit mehreren Teilnehmern in einem Konferenzraum
  • CPUX-F Seminar mit mehreren Teilnehmern in einem Konferenzraum
  • CPUX-F Seminar mit mehreren Teilnehmern in einem Konferenzraum
  • CPUX-F Seminar mit mehreren Teilnehmern in einem Konferenzraum


Information about the seminar

Program booklet CPUX-F

Documents of the UXQB for preparation

We recommend especially participants without UX knowledge to familiarize themselves with the topic in advance.

CPUX-F – Curriculum
CPUX-F – Public Test Questions (for training purposes)
CPUX-F – Examination Regulations
CPUX-F – Example Certificate


Frequently asked questions about the CPUX-F seminar

What are the advantages of the 3-day option over other (shorter) course formats?

The activities of human-centered design include a variety of processes and technical terms. In the 3-day version, we focus on practical exercises in addition to theoretical instruction. In exemplary exam questions, discussion rounds, small group work in Miro and in 2-person breakout sessions for interviews, we give participants the opportunity to practice and internalize what they have learned.

9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

All participants receive a certificate of participation from Mindfacts after the seminar, but this is not equivalent to the official, internationally recognized certificate. The certificate „Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience – Foundation Level (CPUX-F)“ is getting more and more attention, also in the human resources sector. In addition, the certificate enables you to complete official certifications in the UR, DS and UT advanced seminars as well.

No, the exam date can be chosen flexibly. We recommend that you take a few days after the seminar to review the contents of the seminar before taking the exam. If the exam is booked via Mindfacts, the participant will receive a voucher in advance with which they can make an appointment on the Certible website (

The exam takes place during a video session with Certible. The certification exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions covering basic definitions and concepts of usability and user experience. There are always six answer choices per question, with one, two, or three correct answers (the number of correct answers is displayed). Participants must answer at least 70% of the questions (28 out of 40) correctly. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes (90 minutes for non-native speakers).

No, the preparation training and the certification are not related in time. There is always the possibility to still decide for certification after the seminar.

A failed certification exam can be repeated. If you score less than 70% of the points (28 out of 40) on the exam, it is considered failed. If this is the case, you can retake the exam a maximum of two additional times within one year. After the third attempt, a waiting period of one year is required. When retaking the exam, costs will again be incurred. There are (reduced) costs for the repetition at Certible.

If 4 people from a company are interested in training on CPUX-F, we should talk about the possibility of an InHouse seminar. We offer InHouse-Seminar both in presence and online. Advantage: Maybe there are more interested people in the company, then the participation fees are significantly lower compared to participation in public seminars. The agreement of a desired date (and if necessary also collective dates for examinations) is self-evident.

Yes, we also offer dates for public seminars in English from Q3 2023. You can also request In-house seminars in English at Mindfacts.

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20 Jahre Research-Expertise

150€ Rabatt *

auf CPUX- und

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